Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New worm farmers

Handfuls of worms
Originally uploaded by Beaver w/ a Toothbrush

We went to a wormshop last weekend at the local library.

We got about a pound of red wrigglers. Worm farmer and former Biospherian, Linda Leigh, showed us how to put the worm container together. They live on a base of coconut fiber. We added composted horse manure, coffee grounds, and pulverized egg shells for worm food and grit. After we added the worms and a little water we covered them all over with paper shreds. The shreds help regulate moisture and I think worms might eat them too.


Linda said to leave the light on for the first few days if we kept them inside because there might be some escape attempts. No worms tried to escape the first day but the second day they were poking their heads out of the holes in the sides of the container. Only one got out. We put it back.

The worms make castings that are great for the garden. They can also be fed to the chickens. I want to get a bunch working on composting the kitchen scraps though before we start feeding any of them to the chickens.
