This year instead of planting in the spring and trying to keep plants alive through the long hot months of May, June and possibly July we instead planted with the monsoons in mid July.
It turned out to be much better than trying to shade the quickly crisping tomatoes and corn and pumping a ton of water everyday to keep them alive. Some crops that we have 'crisped' to death in previous years are tomatoes, peas, beans, a variety of peppers, corn, watermelon and probably a whole lot of others I am forgetting.
So now everything is starting to produce and looking quite healthy! Zucchini are already becoming a regular with each meal! As usual the method employed with the tomatoes is my usual 'super shrub' where a whole lot of plants are grown together to provide a large hedge of tomatoes for self support and shade.
We have Hopi corn (the short ones), Golden bantam (white man corn), Ancho peppers, golden zucchini, Moon and Stars watermelon, and a huge variety of Tomatoes. Pumpkins are also planted as usual and should hopefully be ready for Halloween if not Thanksgiving.