Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Harvest!

Mexican zucchini
Originally uploaded by Beaver w/ a Toothbrush

We picked our first two calabacitas from the garden! We didn't realize they were growing so fast so we picked them a little late. I think it should be half this size or less. I had to scoop out the seeds when I cooked it because they were getting a little large and stringy but it still tasted good. =)

I don't know if I'm imagining it but I feel super energized and healthy when I eat things fresh out of the garden. These hadn't been picked an hour when they were on the table as a sauteed side dish to some quesadillas and beans.

In other garden news, the pumpkins sprouts are planted. After a day of being babied with little newspaper shade tents they seem to be holding up to the full sun with only minor wilting. Only a couple didn't survive the first day. That leaves like 27 pumpkin plants: Big Max, Jack-o-Latern, and Casper!

We still have to plant the other sprouts but they weren't busting out of their little pots quite as quickly so we'll probably do that this weekend.

Aww, aren't they cute?

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