Sunday, March 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by Beaver w/ a Toothbrush
The day before yesterday Husband came in and told me I had to come outside and see something. As I was approaching I saw these rust colored spots on the ground and started to get a little creeped out.

I asked, "Is this going to be something sketchy?" He replied, "Yeah, it's pretty sketchy."

When I got there I noticed that the splotches were moving slightly. They were piles of red ants. Besides the piles there were rocks with their undersides covered with ants. It was chilly outside so they were moving slow but I still had to stay far away. I got stung by large ants twice before and both times it was very unpleasant.

I came inside to look on the internet and see what kind of damage they might do when Husband came back inside to say he was going to try lighting them on fire. So then I started looking for other possibly safer ways to get rid of them. Running them over with the car and submerging in soap water were some things I found.

Husband was back outside burning when I was suddenly overcome with paranoia and had to take off all my clothes to be sure there were no ants crawling up my pant legs. He came back in and I let him know about the other options while he laughed at me for being naked.

In the end most of the ants were destroyed by the series of plagues that befell them: fire, car tires, and tractor scraping.

I'm still afraid to go over to that part of the yard for any period of time.

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