Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I've noticed that although we haven't been trying to, Husband and I are losing weight. We moved about a month ago and in that time we've both lost some pudge and started putting on some muscle. Chopping or gathering wood, walking out to check on the chickens, riding a bike around the clearing, or any of the other small tasks and walks we take all day don't seem to be much exercise but they appear to be having an effect. Some of the other chores we have are hard work but the time always goes quickly when I'm doing them because I know I'm improving our land. Removing rocks or digging or smashing old concrete are rough but I'm so satisfied when I see the progress we're making already.

Speaking of walking, the weather has been beautiful lately so I took a walk down our street last week. I only ended up going about a mile and a quarter but it took me about two and half hours. It was a pleasant partly cloudy day and I was on the lookout for wildflowers, birds, or beasts.

There were some wildflowers and plenty of birds. A little sparrow followed me along a fence for a while and sang a chirpy song. I didn't see any wildlife but there were some interesting saguaros. Like this stately family.

Saguaro Family

The best one though, was a saguaro with an old gash in its side. And in that gash grew a prickly pear. I'm always amused and amazed by the places that prickly pears will grow. I've seen them in rain gutters pretty regularly and we had quite a few growing on our roof before we cleaned up all the tree debris that was up there. This one looked particularly friendly though. He's peeking out of the saguaro saying, "Good Day."

Prickly Peeker

I've also been searching for a used travel trailer lately to redo and move into. I'll have to explain some other time about our decision to form a trailer caravan instead of building a new house. I saw this trailer on a neighboring property and thought it would probably be a deal.

Vintage Trailer

Husband was unenthusiastic about the idea of fixing it up. Oh well, I'll keep looking.

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