So we moved in January and now it's March. I've got some catching up to do. Calling our new home a hovel might be a bit dramatic but it is rustic compared to what I'm used to. Not that our city house was very fancy but it was block and over time we had fixed most of the problems. Now we've started over again but this time with a 1970's double-wide. The plumbing is weird (no valves on pipes!), the electric is weird (aluminum wiring?), the windows are weird (they rattle in the wind and I've already broken one trying in close it), and the floor is weird (mostly shellacked particle board). And although I've done what I can so far there's still a lot of grime, cobwebs, dust, and dead bugs.
But we didn't move out here for a fancy house. We moved to grow food, see stars, hear birds, and live with the land. That's one thing that's really nice about our hovel: it sits on a couple acres of partially treed, partially cleared land. There are mountains to view on most sides as well as saguaros and many different varieties of wildlife. Maybe it will be almost as fun to read about our new adventure as it is to experience it.
The Happy Hovel Wife
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