Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Airstream

Originally uploaded by Beaver w/ a Toothbrush
We went to Phoenix today and came back with a our new house. Instead of building we're planning on renovating one or maybe two travel trailers. I've drawn up an eventual plan that includes a gravel lot with a roof.

The thought of eventually sorting through, donating, or selling enough of our possessions so that we could actually live in 200 square feet or less is pretty daunting. Before we get there though we have some work to do on the inside that I'm looking forward too.

I haven't decided yet how much of it to keep original and how much to replace. Some of the cabinets and closets are it decent shape but other parts will definitely have to go.


I like the kitchen =)!


Tracy said...

Awesome! Cutting back to 200 sq ft would be daunting but what an amazing goal. (next time you guys head through Phoenix you should give James or I a call and we can meet for coffee, I think Dean has James' contact info?)

Lana J said...

Yeah, I don't think it's going to be easy but on the up side, once we're moved in it shouldn't take more than an hour or two to clean the whole inside (compared to the hour I spent just sweeping the mobile last night). And maybe the bugs won't be able to get in as easily =)

(I'm pretty sure Dean has the contact info)